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Friday, June 7, 2013

Democrat Hilary Rosen Waged War on Home Makers in 2012

CNN Democratic strategist is hardly a typical woman with whom the average woman can relate.
Hilary Rosen is hardly a typical woman who relates to the average woman.

Democratic Hate

How many times have we heard a Democrat state that one must not be judged by the color of their skin, gender, or circumstances, ect.? I hear it all the time! They basically want to say that no one should be judged harshly for superficial things, but instead, we should hear them out, and give them a chance to prove themselves. It all sounds great except they absolutely make no effort to practice what they preach, being non prejudiced and narrow minded only when its convenient to their party.

 This is why I feel so disgusted by the hypocrisy of the Democrats when I hear someone like Hilary Rosen, stating that " Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life." No one has a right to make such a statement about another person they do not know. What facts does Rosen base that statement on? We don't know what Ann has done in her private life. This is just more closed minded attacks by the left on conservative women, because the female Democrat politicians and the wife of the Barack Obama were not exactly poor and doing their own chores like the average American does. Not by a long shot! Some high dollar shopping that would make the average American woman turn green is practiced regularly by Michelle Obama.

Just because Ann Romney married a wealthy man who has the brains and ability to make money, the democrats want us to think that that Ann Romney never works, and they further want to discredit anything that she has to say. Liberal Rosen knows how to put 2 and 2 together and come up with 5. Ms. Rosen also stated that Ann Romney should not be given any credibility because she can not relate to the average woman. A childish and narrow minded assumption; that a rich woman just sits in a castle all day and having her nails and hair done. - Almost never true!
When I see Ann Romney, I don't see a spoiled woman at all. She is far more down to earth in her attire and her speeches than Michelle Obama, Hilary Clinton, or Nancy Pelosi. She is also a homemaker. This is the job that many women in the Untied Sates do. Its also a position some career women have been at some point of their lives. A difficult job that gets little respect from those who have never taken on this position personally. Hilary Rosen's remark is a slap in the face to all homemakers who have been dismissed for "lying around the house while being taken care of." Hilary Clinton on the other hand is a politician, something most women will never be in their lives. Are we supposed to think that politician Hilary Clinton is someone who can relate to the average woman? It is these lame comments that turn discerning people away from the CNN commentators. When they become desperate, the claws come out and they attack the wives of Republican front runners, their children, and anything else they can to distract people from the truth.

Do They Think Michelle Obama Shops At K-Mart?

The liberals have taken to trying to make Americans think that Republicans are rich and therefore bad, and unable to be in touch with the average person. I recall watching CNN some time ago, and the commentators began showing the homes of Republican's and they all had very nice homes, of course they left out the enormous mansions of the Democrats. It was a typical, contrived display to arouse resentment in people who were struggling during the height of the recession.This was the same tactic they pulled while Obama was running for president. I recall that they downplayed Obama's wealth and talked about Palin's clothes. So I wondered why CNN was not showing us their favorite punching bag's home. Why didn't they show us Palin's home? I did some research and found pictures of her home inside and outside. It was incredibly modest and just did not fit the picture they were trying to paint of Republicans.By all means the CNN commentators would rather dream up a " War On Women", than let people observe the candidates and their wives to arrive at their own opinion.

Not Many Women Spend Their Lives in Politics

Michelle Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Hilary Clinton are all wealthy women who do not live in any way like the average woman, however, I am not motivated to vote for someone because they are living like the average person anyway, this is just an example of a typical attack of Republican Mitt Romney's wife being turned around, to prove that this is obviously a pile of donkey.

Ann Romney's Speech

Fortunately for independents who are confused or swayed by liberal biased "news" stations Ann Romney delivered an excellent speech at the GOP convention. Anyone who has not seen the GOP convention should tune into FOX News online to see what the facts really are. Ann and Mitt Romney were not living high on the hog when they met, and they struggled as young couples do.
It is not an easy life to be trying to raise a child and provide a home as your husband is attending law school. Ask any woman who has been in a similar position to Ann's. Most couples do not survive a medical or law student spouse. The strain and pain of going about life alone as your partner has no life because of a never ending barrage of exams is tortuous for many women, and a great number of my school mates who married into this situation ended up envying their friends who had husbands who were taking them out on weekends and partying. It is so easy to look at the end result of success and feel resentful and jealous, but the fact is most people do not have the patience to be patient and kind to each other while trying to achieve it.
The fact that she and Mitt stayed together through the tough years to raise admirable children and achieve success is evidence that they are a good team who plan things together and have what it takes to make things happen no matter what life throws at them. As Ann says, "we do not have a story book marriage, but we have a real marriage." I would say that it is a real good and solid one.

Ann Romney
Ann Romney spoke in a very down to earth manner

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Democrat Joe Salizario says that women may "imagine that they are being followed, when they actually are not and therefore they should not be allowed to carry a gun." He went on to say that if they fear that they are going to be raped, they should not be trusted with a weapon.

Where are the women's groups?

Is Snopes False?

The short answer is yes. One of the things that caused Snopes to lose its credibility was that 100% of the negative rumors about Republicans checked true with Snopes and 100% of the negative information about Democrats checked false. Its not rocket science! 

Even the most serious Kool Aid loving Democrat has to admit that Democrats are guilty of wrong doing and all the smooth talking BS that Snopes piles on in effort to make the wrong doing actually necessary, and would never have even happened had it not been for a Republican, is a little far fetched.

As soon as a scandal about president Obama or a prominent Democrat hits the airwaves, Snopes has "debunked the rumor as right wing propaganda" and when facts are hitting the airwaves debunking a falsehood about a Republican, Snopes is right there debunking the debunking. Snopes over did their cheer leading and as a result, a great many people have learned to distrust the sight, and rightly so.

At this point only the Democrats who blindly wish to stand by their party regardless of what they are doing to the people, are still using Snopes as a means of justifying whatever it is they wish. These are exactly the people you will see littering the internet in defense of Snopes. They have articles stating that a particular damaging email that circulated a few years ago was all wrong, and that in fact Snopes is legitimate. However, an independent minded person need apply just a little common sense to see the truth.

During the days that Snopes was gaining credibility and no one was questioning their credibility, I was seeing through things quite easily. When a liberal would decide to check something out on Snopes, he was always gratified after reading what Snopes had to say, and he seemed to know that something from Snopes would "prove" that the Republicans are bad and the Democrats are good. Sure enough, instant gratification. The "explanation" as to why Republicans are wrong and Democrats are right. I was suspicious from the beginning! Finally, the aggressive Independents saved the day, by tracking how quickly the excuses, accusations, and explanations were coming out. Way too soon for any real research to have been applied, but just enough time to concoct a story.

Independent politics has called Snopes a "misinformation site." Stating that their mission is to keep people from learning the facts.

Snopes is run by run by Barbara and David Mikkelson, who met in liberal California. The site is organized by topic and includes a message board where stories and pictures of highly questionable validity are posted.

Since much research has gone into the discovery of the truth about Snopes, the sight has made more of an effort to balance a few things out. They make sure to throw a few negatives about Obama into the mix, in order to add legitimacy to their presence.

Fortunately, more and more people have learned to avoid Snopes all together, and with good reason. Weather you are Democrat or Republican, your concern should be to learn the truth and misinformation my either, MSNBC or Snopes should be despised and turned from. 

Most of us want a free country, and the only way to hold onto the good things that we love, we must not allow manipulators to rule the airwaves.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Rick Santorum Presidential Candidate of 2012

Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum was born in 1958 is an attorney and a well respected author. He served as Senator in Pennsylvania from 1995 - 2007 and began his run for President of the United States for the 2012 presidential run on the Republican ticket. Santorum is a man of high principles and because he believes in same sex marriage, was physically attacked by gays during his presidential run. Rick Santorum made it clear that he is not opposed to gays having a union that has the same rights as married couples do.

 The argument from the conservative viewpoint was never given time and consideration,instead it was blasted by the liberal media, CNN, and MSNBC, that to not believe a man and a man marrying is the same as a man and woman marrying is the same thing means that you are automatically a bigot. Rick Santorums personal beliefs were also attacked by democrats. Santorum and his wife do not practice the use of birth control. They feel that if they should fall pregnant, then they will have a child, but they never said that other people should live the way they do, but when asked they stated that this is the way that they choose to live.

The liberal media had a field day stating that Santorum wants to do away with birth control and that women should be forced to have babies. As Santorum was interviewed by the press all they could do was ask about birth control to which an exasperated Santorum would have to repeat, "People are free do use birth control if they wish, my wife and I choose not to." Unfortunately, after the interview MSNBC would edit out Santorum's words and the "newscasters" would sit and talk about how Santorum must hate women because he thinks they should not have birth control. Fox News was the only station that showed the facts. They stayed focused on what Santorum was saying and were equally exasperated by how the rest of the media were stuck on the birth control issue and would not let it go.
In one of the coldest blows by the democrats, they stated that because Santorum has a retarded daughter who he took time off of his campaign to care for her when she fell ill, this was stated this as evidence that he is not presidential material due to the fact that he has a sick daughter who may die, causing him to loose his focus in the white house.
The birth control propaganda did hurt Santorum's campaign because those who do not look beyond CNN and MSNBC for news were thoroughly brainwashed and reading propaganda via e-mail and facebook that Rick Santorum wants to take away birth control and send women back 100 years. Mr. Santorum was an honest candidate who intended to work hard for America and bring it out of the slump that is wallowed in during the Obama administration.

Santorum; A Class Act

Rick Santorum announced that he was suspending his campaign for President of the United States when many false stories where being spun by MSNBC & CNN. It Became obvious that when Santorum began to gain favor with many independent voters of all walks of life that the liberal media would demonize Santorum in effort to scare people away from him.
Family man Santorum said that he disgust his candidacy with family and after considering the odds, decided to leave the race. He stated that this was one of the hardest decisions that he and his wife Karen had ever had to face together. Mr. Santorum said that it had been hard in large measure because of his supporters. Rick Santorum did not wish to let his supporters down as they had so much optimism and high hopes for a man of values and an appreciation for the private sector to occupy the white house. With Bill Clinton lying to the American public, and more recently, Obama failing to budge the country out of the recession, many Americans would like to see a moral man who understands economics enough to lead the country to the prosperity it had in the 1980s.

Santorum Puts Family First

 Santorum started out in the GOP primaries almost un- noticed. He seemed to disappear in the lineup of what originally had Johnson, Cain, Pawlenty and Bachman. His campaign gained momentum just before heading to Iowa. Going to every county, talking to crowds of citizens and gaining supporters by the thousands, Rick Santorum was as solid and honest in his beliefs as what makes the best in politicians.He made the race interesting, and gave hope to many Americans. Those qualities alone are what drew so many supporters to Rick Santorum.

We are proud of Santorum, and believe he worked hard and showed that he has the drive and determination that is Presidential. Santorum had very little money, being driven around in a Dodge truck where he operated much of his campaign. There is a lot to be said for someone who can go so far with so little. Through perserverence and hard work his campaign took off, giving Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich a run for their money. What could be more American than that? I am sure we will see a lot of Santorum in the future.
Sadly, with the majority of internet writers being strongly liberal biased, it is difficult to find anything factual about Rick Santorum and his family. Even googling Rick Santorum wikipedia will take one into the deep, dark, tunnel of liberal lies. The internet as well as the news channels should be for presenting information and real news, not for brainwashing people into fitting into a cult-like following.